A place of critical discussion, rigorous thinking and writing, and innovative research at UBC Okanagan...

Thursday, October 28, 2010

Nov. 2 and Nov. 4: Upcoming Events

November 2, 2011

Guest Lecturer: Morgan Wood, (Stony Mountain Cree) and Masters Candidate in the Inter-Disciplinary Graduate Studies program at UBCO.

"EXXXOSED: The Aesthetics of Aboriginal Erotic Art"
Morgan Wood will discuss arts activism as it pertains to the exhibition on aboriginal erotic art, by examining the question, "why is Indigenous sexuality so threatening to mainstream culture?" The presence of an indigenous body within the classic European white cube changes the framework and visual dialogue of artworks exhibited. The transformation is an act of activism that challenges the mainstream historical dialogue. "I shift the framework within Contemporary Aboriginal history from an anthropological view to an historical view."

See Morgan Wood's bio on the ArtSask website, "Morgan Wood is an artist, writer, teacher, arts activist and curator. Her work in these areas has been strongly influenced by her First Nations ancestry and culture. She is a non-status Stony Mountain Cree woman and was born in Southern Saskatchewan. Her family originates from the Michel Callihou Band in Alberta and her Great Grandmother was Victoria Callihou, an important figure in the early history of the prairies. (Go to ArtSask to read more.)

November 4, 2011

Guest Lecturer (via Skype teleconference): Lisa Kahaleole Hall, (Kanaka Maoli), Associate Professor, Wells College, New York, U.S.A.

Hall states, "I've always been interested in how race and gender structure American life." Hall began approaching the ideas of race and gender as an undergraduate at Yale, where she was a women's studies major. She went on to earn her Ph.D. in Ethnic Studies at the University of California, Berkeley. Read more...

(See also these concepts presented in action >>Kanaka Maoli struggles against desecration)

November 4, 2011

Undergraduate Facilitators: Mallory Hewelko and Johanna Olson. To introduce critical issues affirmed and elevated in the analysis of Dr. Lisa Kahaleole Hall, UBCO undergraduate students will co-facilitate a discussion of her article, "Hawaiian at Heart."